
Statement Zumthor 01 © Brigitte Lacombe

Peter Zumthor

Haldenstein, 19.6.23

«I love beautiful old hotels. They are full of stories that I don't know, but can feel. Master builders planned them, craftsmen built them, people loved and lived in the rooms. I feel like I’m well taken care of.»

Einzelportrait Sommarugasw © Bundeskanzlei/Stefano Spirelli

Simonetta Sommaruga

alt Bundesrätin

«Examples from the past show that historic hotels in Switzerland are in danger of becoming objects of speculation. This means that valuable, historic cultural substance is lost forever. I am committed to ensuring that Switzerland's impressive hotel and tourism history continues to have a future.»


Statement Schloss Wartegg 01 zvg

Imelda Senn and Richard Butz

Hosts and Management of Schloss Wartegg

«The association provides us with an incentive to preserve the original structure of the building so that its history can continue to be seen and experienced.»

Statement Kurhaus Berguen 01 zvg

Maya & Christof Steiner

Kurhaus Bergün

«Many thanks for the generous support for our book project to review and document the exciting history of the Kurhaus. The book is very much appreciated by our guests and has been great for building our identity.»

Waldhaus Sils Patrick Dietrich 3 Foto Fabienne Buehlerb © Fabienne Buehler

Patrick Dietrich

Director Waldhaus Sils

«In partnership with the association "Friends of Swiss Historic Hotels", important projects for the preservation of the historic substance are initiated and implemented.»

Statement Hotel Masson 01 zvg

Simona & Frank Laves

Gastgeber, Hôtel Masson

«Wir sind sehr froh, dass es die Freunde der Swiss Historic Hotels gibt, da viele unserer Stammgäste auch emotional mit den historischen Hotels verbunden sind und gerne helfen, diese Hotels weiterhin zu unterstützen.»

Statement Hotel Baeren 01 zvg

Chantal & Volker Beduhn

Hosts Hotel Bären Dürrenroth

«The association Friends of Swiss Historic Hotels is essential because it allows us to promote and preserve the historic hotels and to keep our great cultural heritage alive to make these beautiful stories tangible!»

Statement Paxmontana 01 zvg

Myriam Baumgartner

Host & Managing Director Jugendstil-Hotel PAXMONTANA

«It's a nice feeling to take care of what’s “old,” to maintain historic buildings and to be involved in the preservation of exciting stories.»

Statement Kurhaus Bellatola Buchs 01 © Sedrik Nemeth

Anne-Françoise & Claude Buchs

Hosts Gd Hotel Bella Tola & St-Luc

«The Friends of Swiss Historic Hotels association is essential for us. It's very important for our hotels to be able to count on an association that supports us financially when it comes to renovating and maintaining these historic buildings.

We were fortunate to receive support for the restoration of our dining room ceiling, for which we are very grateful.»